Double Egg Treasure Chest with Roasted Tomatoes

Double Egg Treasure Chest with Roasted Tomatoes

At For The Love of Breakfast we like to keep the most important meal of the day interesting! And healthy, of course. We were brainstorming about baked eggs – a delicious and nutritious breakfast?- and wanted to do something that is a twist on the original. The Double Egg Treasure Chest is a playful alternative to the boring old baked egg on toast. Inspired by a pirate movie or two, we toyed with this recipe until we had just the right amount of flavor to be delivered in a fun package. These simple and flavorful ingredients create a delight with each bite and best of all, you can roast the tomatoes right on the vine on the same pan making for an easy clean up.

1 oblong pepita roll sliced lengthways
Half cup of baby spinach leaves
Half cup of grated parmesan cheese
2 free range eggs
3-4 sprigs of thyme
Baby tomatoes on the vine
1 cup of rocket
1-2 tablespoons of olive oil
Extra sprigs of thyme to garnish
Salt and pepper to taste


Preheat over to 350 F
Lightly grease a small oblong baking pan
Carefully scoop out the center of the two slices of roll
Place them on the baking pan
Line each half of roll with the spinach leaves
Sprinkle on half of the parmesan and a little of the thyme leaves
Gently crack an egg into each slice
Sprinkle the rest of the parmesan cheese and thyme on top of the eggs
Now place the tomatoes on the baking pan
Drizzle with olive oil
Bake for about 15- 20 minutes
Place the rocket onto serving plate
Then the two halves of? baked roll and the tomatoes
Garnish with extra thyme sprigs
Salt and pepper to taste

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