Scrambled Egg and Ham on Toast?

Scrambled Egg and Ham on Toast?

Long gone is the notion of toast being a boring staple for breakfast. In the past few years, toast has made a comeback. Much like kale making a comeback in the vegetable world, toast has been made a popular item again thanks to some interesting pairings of late. No longer a boring old side dish, toast is front and center. If you haven’t heard of or eaten avocado on toast lately, you don’t know what you are missing out on and must try our recipe immediately!

For Scrambled Egg and Ham on Toast, we sure did spice up a boring old favorite. Adding feta and a dash of capers gives this dish a new and exciting flavor and it looks as good as it tastes.

Quick, easy, healthy, delicious, and easy on the eye… Scrambled Egg and Ham on Toast ticks all the boxes for a perfect breakfast.


1 Slice of white bread, toasted?

2 Eggs scrambled?

3 Slices leg ham?

1 Tablespoon feta cheese?

1 Tablespoon baby capers?

Salt and pepper to taste



Place the toasted bread on a serving dish?

Top with the scrambled eggs

Place the ham on top of the eggs?

Sprinkle with the feta and capers?

Salt and pepper to taste?


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